Father’s Day

Father’s day is a special occasion dedicated to honoring and appreciating the incredible fathers in our lives. It is a time to express gratitude and love for the unwavering support, guidance, and love they provide us

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to all the incredible Dads out there!!

Your love ,sacrifice, and presence make a world of difference. You are the true heros.*Happy father’s day*

Election Day

Your vote carries tremendous weight,shaping the trajectory of our Nation’s future……Join the symphony of democracy, make your voice heard, and become the agent of change by stepping forward and casting your vote.

#election 2024#your vote counts#civic responsibility #election day#vote power

Handball tournament

Inter-house Handball tournament was organized in the school in the month of April and May 2024.Students of all the houses got the opportunity to participate. Inspite of the hard climate all the participants played fantastic Handball match and represented their Houses brilliantly and in a disciplined way.

We firmly believe that the lessons learned on the sports field are in no way inferior to those that are learned in the class rooms. Infact, the learning that takes place on the field are lessons for the life.These very sportive fixtures serves to inculcate character and build resilience in a healthy manner

In senior boys Vyom House emerged to be the winner by defeating Salil House,and in senior Girls, Salil House won the match against Prithvi House.

In junior group boys -Vyom House won the match against the Agni House and in junior girls group, Agni House marked the position by defeating Vyom House

Planting Plants

It is truly said that the best friend on Earth of man is the tree. If you love a tree you will be more beautiful than before.

Birthdays are the most special day for everyone!

A significant day in one’s life when you celebrate living and celebrate your existence on this earth. Planting trees means giving the gift of life.

Keeping this thought alive a great initiative has been taken by the students of Scholars Public School, Jadla.

Our Birthday Girls, Jasmine and Dhavni of Class 6th A, celebrated their special day by planting plants in the school which shows their true love, care and great thought towards the environment.

Not only words but our actions and gestures both should show our feelings towards mother nature.

This great drive, surely, will be carried forward in future too.

Class 10 Result

We are thrilled and elated to announce a 100% pass percentage, reflecting the dedication and hard work of all our students in CBSE board examination 2024 for Grade 10th.

These students have exemplified exceptional dedication perseverance and intellect, setting benchmark for academic excellence

Congratulations to all the stakeholders for this remarkable result

Class 12 Result

We feel proud to share this spectacular procurement of our well deserved SCHOLARS.

Your commitment to excellence is admirable.

Heartiest congratulations on your stupendous performance.💯 Percent result in class 12th

Keep reaching for the stars!

Board Toppers

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practised day in and day out. The recently achieved success by our 10th and 12th grade students is testimonial to the fact that every milestone can be achieved with consistency, hard work and determination.

It is the time to celebrate this joyous moment with great enthusiasm and wish all our Scholars a great and exploring life ahead.

🎓Congratulations to all the Scholars for their achievement in Board Examinations 🎓

Parents teacher meeting

Parents teacher meeting (PTM) bridge the gap between three stakeholders of a school:teachers,parents and children. It establishes a communication channel. PTM provides a chance for teachers and parents to share their observations. Sharing everyday observations allows parents and teachers to plan,organize and execute plans for a child’s improved learning result.

Keeping this in mind the first PTM of the session 2024-2025 for all the classes was held on 11th of May.During the PTM class teachers got the opportunity to interact with the parents and share the comprehensive feedback with the aim to bring out the best in the child.

The parents were quite delighted to go through various activities done by the students. They were quite satisfied with the progress of their ward and appreciated the efforts made by the school towards the holistic development of their child.

The meeting helped to create better understanding between parents and teachers and build harmonious relationship between the school and the community.